Guidelines for Chairs/Moderators

Guidelines for Chairs/Moderators


​Approximately two minutes before the start of your session, please ask participants to take their seats, encouraging them to sit towards the front and center rows. You should supervise discussion from the head table using the microphone provided.

One minute before the first scheduled talk, you and your co-chairs or -moderators (if applicable) should:

  • announce the title of the session.
  • introduce yourself by name and affiliation.
  • ask people to turn their mobile devices to silent and ask them not to take photos during the session.


As session chair/moderator, you are responsible for the time management of the presentations within your session hall.

You are required to introduce each speaker and their presentation title as indicated in the program timetable as found on the Meeting website or Mobile App. Please follow the schedule closely.

It is essential to adhere to the scheduled start and end times of each talk. This is so that people can move from one room to another and find the talks as announced in the program. Please do not allow speakers to use up more than their allocated time.

Please notify the in-hall AV Technician immediately of AV equipment problems.

If a speaker fails to attend the session, move to the next speaker. However, this will disrupt the timings for each presenter– let things go slowly and try to get back towards scheduled times if possible.

If the session gets ahead of schedule, do one or more of the following:

  • Have questions prepared for the speaker – 2 per presentation.
  • Solicit questions from the audience.
  • If you finish much before the allotted time, you may let the session out early.
  • Please note: Please check the online Interactive Program or Mobile App for the exact amount of time allotted to each presentation in your session.


Thank you for your participation in IGCS19!

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