Advocacy Day

Advocacy Day

A Survivor-Caregiver Symposium: “YES” to Empowerment & Survivorship

Saturday, September 21, 2019

9 AM – 4 PM

All presentations and material will be available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

The Advocacy Day is Free*  however, pre-registration is required. To attend, please click here.

El Día de Apoyo es gratuito, aunque es necesario inscribirse previamente. Para participar, haga click aquí.

O Dia da Advocacia é gratuito, porém a pré-inscrição é obrigatória. Para participar, clique aqui.

Start the day with the pre-Symposium Sunrise Run/Walk at 6:30 am, followed by an artistic contribution to the “We Create: Joint Art Project,” an IGCS survivor-led opportunity to create and leave art in the region as a gift from the gynecologic cancer community.

Come prepared to capture and share the day with your camera phone.

Light breakfast, lunch, and healthy break refreshments will be provided.

A limited number of need-based Travel Grants are available to assist survivors and caregivers attending the Symposium.

Contact us at for more information.

AstraZeneca has provided a grant toward the costs of this meeting. AstraZeneca had no input into the content of the meeting.

Symposium Highlights

A comfortable lounge space and Remembrance Area will be available throughout the day.

Cancer Awareness 101: A Power Tool

We’ll cover all the basics! Learn about gynecologic cancers: symptoms and risks, early detection, hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, genetic testing, and terminology. This session would not be complete without discussing patient options and rights and clinical trials.

Survivorship, Wellness, Mindfulness: Thriving 101

Let’s Get Personal! Have frank discussions about body image, fertility, intimacy, self-care, nutrition, financial concerns, and more.

Patient Advocacy 101

Let’s talk about the Who, What, When, Where, Why,  and How of patient advocacy. Discover and tap into its local and global power and the benefits of building a strong, inclusive global advocacy network.

Town Hall: Region-Specific Challenges, Concerns, Triumphs & Solutions

We want to hear about your experience with cancer and patient advocacy – in your own words – and to brainstorm ways to move forward more empowered in the fight against gynecologic cancers. Together, we’ll develop Action Steps that support patient engagement and benefit.

Networking Hour

After an information-packed, survivorship-infused day, we’ll continue to share and to learn – newly empowered to manage the challenges and multiply the triumphs ahead.


*Patients, families, caregivers, and other advocates are invited to attend as well as other IGCS Global Meeting participants.

Windsor Convention & Expo Center
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Saturday, September 21, 2019
9:00 am-4:00 pm

All presentations and material will be available in English, Portuguese, and Spanish.

9:00-9:30 am Registration & Light Breakfast

9:30-9:40 am A Welcome & Words to Thrive By

9:40-9:45 am Remembering Symposium Honoree(s)

9:45-10:00 am Group Photos & Start of All-Day “Capture-the-Moments”
(Take out your camera phones & Smile.)

10:00-11:00 am Cancer Awareness 101: A Power Tool

  • Gynecologic Cancers: The Basics
  • Health Literacy & Other Navigation Aids
  • Knowing Your Options & Rights…including Clinical Trials
  • Survivor-Caregiver Perspectives/Thoughts
  • Q&A

11:00-11:15 am BREAK (Wellness Demonstrations)

11:15 am-12:05 pm Survivorship, Wellness, Mindfulness: Thriving 101

  • Let’s Get Personal
  • Self-Care, Nutrition, Meditation
  • Health History Journaling: A Judgement-Free Documentation Zone
  • Survivor-Caregiver Perspectives/Thoughts
  • Q&A

12:05-12:50 pm LUNCH (WEWSK/NED)

12:50-1:40 pm Patient Advocacy 101+

  • A Primer on Patient Advocacy
  • Survivor-Caregiver Perspectives on Real-World Advocacy in the Region (country/region specific)
  • Q&A

1:40-1:55 pm BREAK (Wellness Demonstrations)

1:55-2:40 pm Town Hall: Region-Specific Challenges, Concerns, Triumphs & Solutions

2:40-3:00 pm Final Remarks/ Next Steps-Action Plan

3:00-4:00 pm Networking Hour

A limited number of need-based Travel Grants are available to assist survivors and caregivers
attending the Symposium. The application is available in the next tab.

AstraZeneca has provided a grant toward the costs of this meeting.
AstraZeneca had no input into the content of the meeting.

Application for Travel Grant to 2019 IGCS Survivor-Caregiver Symposium— “YES” to Empowerment & Survivorship

Please complete all questions/sections to apply for a need-based Travel Grant to assist you in attending the Symposium. If a question does not apply to you, please type “Not Applicable.” Incomplete applications will not be considered for award. If you have questions about the Symposium or the Travel Grant program, please contact Dicey Scroggins at

Please submit the completed application by email attachment to Dicey Scroggins at the email address above by August 23, 2019, at 11:59 pm EST. We will not review applications received after August 23.

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