Educational Support Opportunities

Unrestricted Educational Grant in support of an Existing Official Session accepted or invited by the Scientific Committee and supported by a grant from the industry.

Certain scientific symposia within the main Meeting program may coincide with the broaden educational objectives of certain supporters. Such sessions are designed by the program committee of the meeting including choice of topic and speakers. Sponsors are invited to contribute towards the costs of holding one or more of these sessions.
  • Hands off support, no influence over any scientific/education content​
  • Support will be acknowledged in a designated section of the Program and Meeting website.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the Program and on the event website as: Session Title “Supported with an Unrestricted Educational Grant from <Company Name>”​

As a trusted partner, Kenes Group will take on the responsibility for indirect sponsorship for IGCS 2019. The industry will entrust the Kenes Group and provide educational grants directly, and Kenes Group/IGCS will be responsible for participants (HCPs) pre-selection.

Educational Participation Grants of any amount are appreciated and important to the success of IGCS 2019

Recipients (HCPs) will need to fulfil the criteria specified by IGCS in order to be eligible to apply for an educational participation grant. Accepted grant recipients will be contacted by the Meeting Secretariat.​​

  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the program guide, on the event website and application, and with signage during the event

By providing an educational grant towards an online educational portal, you are making a vital contribution to the efforts of IGCS  to improve the quality of healthcare delivered across the globe. This educational grant will be used for development of an online learning portal and will support the mission to improve awareness, treatment, education, and understanding of care for patients with XXXX.

  • Support will be disclosed in the Industry Support section of the Meeting website and Program Guide.

Support will be disclosed in the Industry Support section of the online learning portal, and on the footer of the online learning portal.

The Meeting App engages attendees with personalized planning tools and real-time event updates. The App transforms smartphones, tablets, and laptops into tools for active meeting participation and makes it easy for participants to access meeting information to connect with speakers and colleagues. The App includes the scientific program, abstracts, speaker information, participant lists, the rating/voting system for sessions and speakers, and a personalized scheduler. The App can be downloaded from the Apple App Store and Google Play.

Meeting App sponsorship support includes:

  • Supporter acknowledgement on the splash/pop-up screen of the App: “Supported by: company name/logo” (product logo not permitted)
  • 2 “push notifications” included in the sponsorship package
  • Priority listing in the list of meeting exhibitors
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the program guide, on the event website and application, and with signage during the event.
  • ​Support will be recognised with signage at the entrance to the Poster area with ˝Supported by…˝ and a company logo only.
  • Support will be acknowledged in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the program guide, on the event website and application, and with signage during the event.


Please note that it is the Exhibitors’ and/or Supporters’ responsibility to comply with the local authority’s regulations, including, without limitation, EFPIA (European Federation of Pharmaceuticals Industries & Associations) www.efpia.orgMedtech Europe (represents Medical Technology Industry) and IFPMA, the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations Code of Practice on the promotion of medicines (, as well as FDA restrictions on the promotion of investigational and preapproved drugs and devices and the FDA prohibition on promoting approved drugs and devices for unapproved uses. Any product not FDA-approved for a particular use or not commercially available in the U.S. may be exhibited only if accompanied by easily visible signs indicating the status of the product.

Failure to comply with these regulations may not be used as a ground to declare the contract void. Failure to comply with the rules and regulations will not expose the Organizer to any suits, demands by the Exhibitor/Supporter or any other third party.


Tailored packages can be arranged to suit your objectives. Please do not hesitate to contact the Support and Exhibition Sales Department to discuss your needs.


Support will be recognized in the Industry Support and Exhibition section of the programme, on the event website,  mobile application and with signage during the event.


​ *All pictures are illustrations only.​​​​​​​​​​​

Contact us now

for pricing, bookings and customized packages.

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