International Journal of Gynecological Cancer

International Journal of Gynecological Cancer

IJGC is the scientific publication for topics relevant to detection, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of gynecologic malignancies. IJGC emphasizes a multidisciplinary approach, and includes original research (clinical trials and translational or basic research), reviews, and opinion pieces. The list of associate editors represents every part of the globe and all the major disciplines involved in treating cancer.

Preview the current issue here.

Please join the IJGC Editors on Saturday, September 21st, 2019 at 16:30 – 18:00 for the session “How to Write and Edit Manuscripts.”  Attendees will benefit from the Editors’ perspective and tips on writing a manuscript and getting it accepted for publication.  Attendees may also wish to watch the Author Guide video for reference at:


Follow IJGC on Facebook and Twitter @ijgconline for the latest news at the meeting.

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